Industrial Supply
A company looking for industrial supply in Idaho Falls will be pleased to know that Eagle Rock Specialties is providing high quality items to local businesses in the area. Eagle Rock Specialties has their Level 3 Quality Assurance Certification from the government, enabling it to supply such high-profile clients as the Idaho National Laboratory. You can be absolutely sure that our industrial equipment will be able to handle the duties that you need it for.
Any industrial interest will need to have a great supplier behind them to ensure business stays fluid and successful. Eagle Rock Specialties offers wholesale industrial supplies in Idaho Falls to better facilitate our neighbors’ success with high quality supplies. Eagle Rock is able to supply standard and exotic raw materials for any of your production needs.
The hours we keep are in line to stay in pace with the standard work shifts in the industrial sector; Monday through Friday 7 A.M. to 5 A.M. We are dedicated to ensuring that you have what you need to surpass your goals and grow your business. That is our business and our commitment to each customer we serve.

Your facility needs an industrial supplier that is passionate about what they do. No one wants to hear their orders are incorrect or due to be very late. Burning through surplus is something that should only be done in the most dire of circumstances. Does any industrial interest want to see their workers stressed out with not having the right materials to do their jobs? That extra stress hurts morale and builds cynicism towards the company which negatively impacts performance.
No business needs to look far from their facility to find an industrial supplier that can provide the quality materials they need. Eagle Rock is right here offering Level 3 Quality Assurance industrial supply in Idaho Falls. Eagle Rock Specialties is a local, small business looking to do big things for our community, neighbors, and customers.

- Copper
- Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Forged Steel
- Cast Iron
- Stainless Steel
- Digital
- Pressure
- Vacuum
- Compound
- All Thread Rod
- Clevis
- Riser Clamps
- B-Line
- Unistrut
- Neoprene
- Spiral Wound
- Technetics Helicoflex
- Teflon
- Bulk Material
- Steel, Black, & Galv.
- Stainless
- Pex
- Y & Basket
- Iron Body
- Brass
- Steel
- Stainless
- Malleable Iron
- Brass
- Forged Steel
- Copper
- Stainless Steel
- Pex
- Bronze
- Iron
- Cast Steel
- Forged Steel
- Stainless Steel
- Ball
- Butterfly
- Safety Relief
- Solenoid
- Needle
- Teflon Tape
- Teflon Pipe Dope
- Loctite
- AMS Oil
- Chevron Oil
- Clarion Food Grade Grease
- Houghton 419R Lubricant
- IPS Weld On
- Mobil Oil
- Mobil Grease
- Nelson Fire Sealant
- Oatey
- Shell Grease
- SIKA Flex
- Air Regulator
- Steam Traps
- Air Filters
- Relief Valves
- Pressure Regulators
- Flex Connectors
- Vacuum Breakers
- Transmitters
- Actuation
- Sensors
- Flowmeters
- Instrumentation
- Pumps
- Mechanical Seals
- HEPA Vacuums
- Hilti
- Howard Leight Ear Plugs
- Irwin Tools
- Mill Hog Tools
- Moldex Respirators
- Tops Knives
- Salisbury Products
- Scaffolding
- Snap-on
- Varidesk
- Quick Couplers
- Dresser Couplings
- Fuel/Oil Filters
- Water/Air Filters
- Paint & Paint Suplies
- Carb/SS/Alum/ ETC.
- Plate, Sheet, Tube
- Bar, Angle, Rebar
- Quality Fasteners
- Railroad Supplies
- Lumber
- Auto Supplies
- Electrical Supplies
- Flex Hose, SST
- Heating Equipment
- Insulation
- Custom Tapes
- Bismuth
- Motors/Relays
- Bentonite
- Modine Heaters
- Vermiculite
- Purple Heat Ice Melt
- A&K Railroad
- AALBORG Flow Instrumentation
- Abatement Technologies
- ABB Inc
- Accurate Screw Machine Corp.
- Additel
- ADI Global
- Agilent Technologies
- Airguard Air Filtration
- Ajax Tools
- Alaskan Copper and Brass
- Alfa Aesar
- Alicat Scientific, Inc.
- Align Production Systems
- Allied Healthcare Producta
- Alloy Machining
- Alloy Valves & Controls
- Alster Communications
- Amada America, Inc
- American Air Filters
- American Chemical Technologies
- American Crane
- American Durafilm Co.
- American Elements/Merflex Corp.
- American Packing & Gasket
- American Seal & Engineering
- American Seal & Packing
- American Special Metals
- Americover
- Ameridrives Couplings
- Amerimax Home Products
- Ametek
- Ametek Precision Motion Control
- Anderson Greenwood
- Antcom Corp.
- Anvil
- Apollo
- Areva Inc.
- Armstrong
- Ashai
- Ashcroft
- AtlasBronze
- Atlas Copco
- ATI Wah Chang
- Aurora Pump
- Autoclave
- B-Line
- Badger Meter
- BASCO Container Producta
- Bell Structural Solutions
- Bentonite Performance Minerals
- Best Stainless
- Betatronix
- Bete Fog Nozle, Inc.
- Bilco
- Billco Corp.
- Bird-X
- Boerger
- Bohle America, Inc.
- Bonney Forge
- Borger, LLC
- Boston Centerless
- Briskheat
- Brownells
- BS & B Safety
- Buffalo Flange
- Butech Bliss
- Canberra
- Carbon Ceramics & Tech.
- Carlyle Johnson Machine Co.
- Carver, Inc.
- Cash Valves
- CCI Thermal Technologies
- Cembre, Inc.
- Central Research Labratories
- Centronic LLC
- Cherne IND.
- Century Instrument
- Ceramic Solutions
- Ceramco, Inc
- CGP, Inc.
- Chief Mfg
- Cincinnati Inc.
- Cincinnati Valve Co.
- Climax Portable Machining & Welding Systems
- Cob Industries
- Coilhose
- Cole Parmer
- Commercial Metal Forming
- Condor Outdoor
- Conductix Wampler
- Conrader
- Control Devices
- Copper State Bolt
- Cordove Safety Products
- Conbraco
- Cotterman Company
- Cox Flow Management
- Cozy Products
- Crane
- Crane Energy
- Crane Valve Service
- Crosby
- Crossfire Safety Glasses
- Crystalcam Imaging
- CSC Scientific
- CS Unitec
- CV Technology
- Delta Controls
- Draeger
- Durex Industries
- Dresser-Rand
- Dwyer
- Demco
- Dezurik Valves
- Dimplex Thermal Solutions
- Dixon
- Dura-Crete, inc.
- Eagle Stainless Tube
- ED Fagan Inc
- Edge Eyewear
- Edwards Vacuum
- EGC Enterprises
- Elasto Seal Inc.
- Electro-Steam Generator Corp.
- Emerson/Rosemount
- Equilibar
- Equipment Development Co.
- Ernest Flow Ind.
- Everest Caster
- Everlasting Valve Co.
- Evoqua
- Falcon Stainless
- FanAir Company
- Fastorq
- Farmers Copper
- Federal Signal
- Ferro Ceramic
- Finewire
- Fisher
- Flanders Filters
- Flexible Assembly Systems
- Flexicraft
- Flexitallic
- Flow Safe
- Flowserve
- Fluke Electronics
- Forfluids
- Fort Wayne Metals
- Frham Safety Products
- Gai Tronics
- Gamco
- Gardner Denver
- Garlock Safety Systems
- Gemini Valve
- Gilman Precision
- Global Technology Systems
- Globe Motors
- GMA America's
- G/O Corporation
- Goodfellow Corp.
- Graphic Products
- Graphite Machining, Inc
- Gravograph
- GravoTech
- Greatmats
- Groth Corp.
- Ground Hog Inc.
- H2scan Corp.
- Hach
- Hansen
- Hapman
- Haynes International
- Heidenhain Corp.
- Heise
- Hillas Packaging
- Hilti
- Holz Rubber
- HT Industrial Ltd
- HTS/Amptek
- Huskie Tools
- Hydra-Power Systems
- Hytorc
- IAC Acoustics
- Ice Ttekkers
- Industrial Vacuum
- Ingram Micro Inc
- Innovative Surface Solutions
- Interface
- Interface America’s, Inc.
- IQ Nut & Bolt Inc
- IRD Balancing
- Iriss
- Jesco
- John Crane
- Jonathan Engineered
- Kee Safety, Inc
- Kennametal Inc
- Kennametal Stellite Inc.
- Keystone
- Kinex Cappers, LLC
- Kingston Valve
- Koch Filter
- Lee Spring
- Maass Flange Corp.
- Magellan Metals
- Magna-Power Electronics
- Magnatrol
- Magnetic Shield
- Marotta
- Mate Precision Tooling
- Material Resources Inc. Standon
- Matheson
- Mbraun USA
- Mc Crometer
- Mcdanel Ceramic Technologies
- McNichols Co.
- Megafab
- Megellan Metals
- Meggitt Sensing Systems
- Micro Group
- Microsemi Frequency and Time Corp.
- Midwest Tungsten
- Midwest Tungsten Service
- Mini-Circuits
- Mini-Flex Corp.
- Moore Industries
- Morris Coupling Co.
- MT Hood Fasteners
- Munters
- Nabell USA Corp.
- Nalco
- National Electronic Alloys
- National Specialty Alloys
- Nelson Stud Welding
- Neptune Pump
- Newport Corp.
- NFT Inc.
- Nikro Industries
- Nilfisk Industrial Vacuum
- Nochar, Inc
- Nook Ind.
- Nor-Cal Products Inc.
- Nordstrom
- Nuclear Power Outfitters
- Nyad Process Gas Analysis
- Oatey
- Oerlikon
- Omega
- Osmose Utilities Services, Inc.
- Otto Engeering
- PAC Stainless
- Pack Mule
- Palmer Wahl Instrumentation
- Pallet Mule
- Pawling Engineered Pruducts, Inc.
- Penn Stainless Products
- Pennsylvania Machine Works
- Pentair Valves & Controls
- Pentair Water
- Performance Titanium Group
- Peterson Products
- Petzl America
- Piercan USA
- Pilgrim Screw
- Portland Fastener
- Powell
- PowerMate
- PPG Paints
- Precision Components
- Proco Products
- Progressive Surface
- Pro-Line
- Proportion Air
- Pryamex Safety Products
- Purolator Air Filtration
- Radian Safety Products
- Rasmussen Equip. Co.
- Rego
- Rembar Company
- Renishaw, Inc.
- Rexarc International
- Rhenium Alloy’s
- Rice Lake Weighing Systems
- Rodda Paint
- Rolled Alloy’s
- Roth Pump
- Roto-Disc, Inc
- RP & C
- RSCC Wire & Cable
- RSR Group, Inc.
- Sabic
- Safway Scaffolding
- Saint-Gobain Ceramic Materials
- Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics
- Saft America, Inc
- Saf-T-Lok
- Salt Depot inc
- Sandmeyer Steel Company
- Seal Fast Inc.
- Seal Science, Inc.
- Sealcon
- Senior Aerospace Metal Bellows
- Senstar Inc.
- Service Steel Aerospace
- Servomex
- Setra Systems
- SEW Eurodrive
- Sherwin Williams
- SKC West
- Smalley Steel Ring Co.
- Smith Cooper / Sharp Valve
- Snap-On Industrial
- Snaptite
- Sno Gem
- Snow Gem, Inc.
- Socket Products
- Solon Manufacturing
- Spartan Tools
- Spirax Sarco
- Spirol International Corp.
- Spot Coolers
- SPX/Waukesha
- SSAB America’s
- Stainless Structurals
- Stanford Advanced Metals
- Stanley
- Staubli
- Stockham
- Storage Battery Systems
- Strongwell Corp
- Superior Tube
- Sullair
- Sun Gro
- SureFire LLC
- Sureseal
- T & T Enterprise’s
- Talley
- Taylor Forge Stainless, Inc
- Technetics Group
- Teledyne
- Tessco Technologies
- TestEquity
- Texas Flange
- Thermal Supply
- Thermo Enviromental Instruments Inc.
- ThermoFisher Scientific
- Therm-O-Rock
- Thermostatic Industries
- Thermal Technology
- Titan LED, Inc
- Tobul Accumulator
- TR Fastenings, Inc.
- Trenton Pipe
- Tri Nuclear Corp
- True North Gear
- Trystar, Inc.
- Tube-Mac Industries, Inc.
- Tulsa Tube Bending
- Tyco
- Tylok
- Ultramotion
- Unifrax
- Unistrut
- UniTech Service Group
- United Brass
- United Filtration Systems
- United Titanium
- Universal Air Filter
- Universal Alloy Corp.
- USA Industries
- USA Safety Solutions
- US Air Conditioning
- US Hose Corp.
- US Valve
- Utility Relay Company
- Vac Industries
- Vacuubrand
- Vacuum Research
- Valdez Machine
- Valvtechnologies
- Van Industries
- Vantage LED
- Vantage Vehicle
- Vapor Power
- Varian Vacuum
- Varidesk LLC
- Vat, Inc.
- VB Seals, Inc.
- Vector Group
- Vektek
- Verder Scientific
- Virginia Transformer (VAT)
- Wacker Neuson
- Watts
- Wesley International
- Wiley X
- Wisconsin Stamping
- Xchanger
- Xebec Adsorption Inc.
- Yaktrax
- Yarway
- Youngstown Glove Co.
- Zircar Ceramics
- Zircar Refactory Composties
- Zook Enterprises